• Agent, Social Media and Chat at Air Transat in Montreal

    Location Montreal, QC, Canada

    Job Description

    As an Agent, Social Media and Chat, you will represent Air Transat on various platforms, proactively assist customers for efficient service, monitor user-generated content, identify issues, and participate in small projects to improve online customer service, ensuring high-quality customer service within set timeframes.

    Employees can work remotely

    Job Requirements

    To succeed in this role, Applicants must possess customer service skills, knowledge of social platforms, ability to work under pressure, successful completion of a 60-minute written test, availability for shift work, English/French bilingual.

    preferred qualifications include Knowledge of the travel industry, experience selling Southern, European, Tour, or Cruise products, and OPC and TICO certification.

    Job Details

    Company: Air Transat

    Employment Type: Full-time

    Job Location: Montreal, QC, Canada

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