• Lufthansa Cargo Jobs | Office Senior Agent, Chicago, USA

    Location Chicago, IL, USA

    Job Description

    The Office Agent Senior is responsible for the documentary handling of cargo and mail. S/he will provide support and guidance to Office Agents and provide onsite support where applicable.

    Duties and Responsibilities

    Your main responsibilities in this role include the following:

    • Within the operational targets set by the Head of Sales & Handling and/or Cargo Supervisor the Office Agent Senior performs the following duties:

    • Documentary Acceptances.

    • Shipment Data Capture.

    • Prioritization of Export Build-up and Import Breakdown.

    • Preparation of Export and Import documentation (Manifest, AWBs)

    • Handling of irregularities (MSCA, MSAW, FDCA, damages)

    • Preparation NOTOC.

    • Close out flight.

    • Handling of irregularities (MSCA, MSAW, FDCA, damages)

    • Customer contact (Notify customer)

    • Hand over AWB and Docs to customer.

    • Debit charges.

    • People Management/Supervision

    • Assists the Cargo Supervisor in monitoring the Office Agent Junior.

    • General

    • Provides feedback to Office Supervisor.

    • Provides Support to Office Agent.

    • Supports, co-operates, and communicates with all colleagues.

    • Participates in staff briefings.

    • Performs all other duties assigned or delegated by supervisors.

    Job Requirements

    • High school diploma/GED desirable.

    • 2 – 3 of professional experience.

    • High school diploma or equivalent. Experience in warehouse handling favoured.

    • Fluent English required.

    • Local/other language required.

    • Qualification according to CHM / GOM required.

    • Experience in document handling and customer service required

    • Computer skills as user.

    • MS office.

    • Personal Competencies

    • Good cost consciousness.

    • Excellent detail oriented.

    • Strong oral and written communication skills.

    • Good problem Solving.

    • Good quality consciousness.

    • Strong productivity driven.

    • Good reasoning ability.

    • Strong safety and security.

    • Excellent ability to work under pressure.

    • Strong adaptability.

    • Good assimilation.

    • Good conflict skills management.

    • Strong customer orientation.

    • Strong customer service.

    • Excellent commitment.

    • Good corporate awareness.

    • Strong flexibility.

    • Good independence.

    • Strong initiative.

    • Strong intercultural awareness.

    • Strong interpersonal skills.

    • Strong judgment.

    • Strong professionalism.

    • Excellent reliability.

    • Excellent responsibility.

    • Excellent teamwork.

    Job Details

    Company: Lufthansa Group

    Employment Type: Full-time

    Job Location: Chicago, IL, USA

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